The Boxer Shorts are the latest and hottest trend in the Indian fashion industry. They are a must-have item for men, especially those who are active or sports lovers. Boxer shorts have been around since 2000, but their popularity has reached a fever pitch recently.
The COVID-19 pandemic made the people of India realise the value of health and choose options that would help them feel comfortable on top of everything else.
Even as we continue to adjust to hybrid life, one constant remains: we will not forego comfortable clothing. Elastic waistbands, soft fabrics, and lounge-ready silhouettes are still prominent two years into the pandemic. Pjs as regular clothes are perhaps the most natural evolution of the co-od look. But just when we thought we’d seen it all, fashion reel(ers) have declared men’s boxers to be the summer’s must-have shorts. Boxer shorts were featured in spring 2022 fashion shows!
Boxer shorts have become popular because they are comfortable, stylish and versatile. They can be worn with casual and formal outfits alike. The boxers come in different lengths and colours so that you can choose from a wide range of styles and colours to match your personal style.